School Life
At Cedarwood School, everybody is working towards the same goal. That is to see every child and adolescent be the best that they can be.
Below is some additional information on school life at Cedarwood. Once families join Cedarwood School, this information together with policies and procedures is given to families and available on the school communication app, Ed-Admin.
Children are expected to be at school throughout the term, including the first and last days, unless they are ill. Please arrange holidays and overseas trips around the school holidays and mid term breaks. If a child is absent, a letter is required from the parents/doctor.
Please inform the School if your child is absent.
Attendance is compulsory on some Saturdays during the year eg; sports day. Please refer to the events calendar for these dates.
Prep Aftercare
The School offers an Aftercare service everyday until 6pm at an extra cost.
Both formal (written tests, speeches, oral demonstrations, projects etc) and informal assessments are conducted regularly to assess and identify the needs of our pupils. Assessment schedules are communicated at the beginning of each term as well as in each grades Weekly Communication.
Cell phones/iPads and Tablets
The pupils are not allowed to use cellphones or iPads/tablets at school. If they bring a phone/iPad/tablet to school, it needs to be handed in to the front office, or to the class teacher (by arrangement) in the morning upon arrival at school, and it may be collected at home time. Any child caught in possession of a cell phone, iPod or tablet during school hours will have it immediately confiscated.
Some children do have permission to use iPads or laptops for assisted learning.
The Prep and College send out a Weekly Communication/Newsletter which keeps families up to date on what has happened within the week as well as what is upcoming.
Lost Property
PLEASE ensure all your child’s possessions are clearly marked. All marked clothing will be returned to the rightful owner. Check the box in the foyer for lost items. Any unclaimed items at the end of the term will be donated to the second-hand uniform shop.
Parents have to complete the permission form for any medication to be administered to pupils. Please ensure that we have all correct details and medical information, including medical aid details. You will be required to update this information annually, by completing a form at the beginning of the year.
MySchool Card
Cedarwood raises funds for the school through the MySchool Card initiative. An application form is available in the enrolment pack. The MySchool Programme is an easy, convenient way to financially support Cedarwood School without an additional cost.
Raise funds for Cedarwood School, without spending an extra cent. Download the School-Days mobile app or join online and regsiter – its FREE! No additional card required! Some of the partner stores are Dischem, Netflorist,
The parents association works to strengthen communication between staff and parents. The elected committee meet regularly to provide practical assistance in all areas, especially fundraising. All parents are invited to join the PTA. Email: for more information.
Grade 1-2 parents may park in the parking area near the small green gate, from where the pupils are to be dropped off and collected. Grade 3-12 parents are to use the top parking area and drop off/pick up point at the green gazebo. Please note the shade carports are for staff only.
Please drive slowly, be courteous and extra vigilant when driving on the school premises, taking the safety of all into account. The speed limit on campus is 15kph. Dunmaglass Road has a 40kph speed limit. It is recommended that you do not access Main Road from Dunmaglass Rd as it is a dangerous intersection. Rather go around the block in a northerly or southerly direction and use the traffic lights at Zinnia Rd or Lachlan Rd (Leeukop prison).
Prep School and College reports are issued termly (i.e. three times a year).
All parents are required to have a Cedarwood car sticker. Security has been instructed not to allow anyone access that does not have a sticker. They will be required to sign in.
Term Calendar
Both the Prep School and College follow the Independent School 3 term calendar.
Tuck shop
The school tuckshop is open every day. The emphasis is on healthy food. Parents are only to give enough money for the meal for that day.
All pupils are expected to adhere to the Cedarwood School dress/uniform/sport code as per the uniform list. All Uniform requirements are available at McCullagh & Bothwell at Fourways Crossing. The PTA has a small selection of second hand uniforms for sale, as well as House caps and swimming towels.

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113 Dunmaglass Rd
P.O. Box 812